29 June 2010

Get your licks in

First week after the summer solstice.  The long hot days of summer are coming.  That sun takes forever to set.  For a photographer, it's high in the sky and makes everything harsh.  At the end of the day, it glares in your lens, it leaves long shadows and it makes "magic hour" an actual hour.  Get your babies on the lawn, be they tots or your favorite squeeze.  Take lots of photos, you're all beautiful. 

The Fallen Fruit event on Sunday gave Kate and I, for the second week in a row, an opportunity to pack a picnic and head out till the sun sets.  This week, it was at a very cool opening of Fallen Fruit's curated show at LACMA.  For the reception, people gathered in the lawn behind the museum for a communal picnic.  Mixing with friends and families made for one of those perfect moments in LA.  We've all heard complaints about the culture of this city as being fake or superficial.  They aren't hanging out with us, are they?  Get your licks in this summer.  Thanks to Fallen Fruit and all the great people on the lawn Sunday.  

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