29 March 2010

End of Fashion

Fashion week in LA gave it a hearty effort with a few surprises.  Expectations were not high, many passed on this season.  Smaller, or private events seemed the places to see good work.  BoxEight had that LA voyeuristic, be seen thing down again.  Their Saturday night was the best.  Concept, the last of the runway shows, was a well run event and I hope they are back for Spring 2011.
My shots were on Laurie Pikes blog for LA Magazine.  I'll go thru and add some of the runway/shots tomorrow.  Meanwhile, a place holder.  Mark is The  Cobra Snake.  He wrote a few chapters in the LA party photography book.  I can't resist taking his photo whenever I see him out.  Just seems like, for photography, all things should be brought to their logical end.  He is, after all, the Ansel Adams of our time.

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