05 April 2010

about a man who loves his town

When you're talking to Mike Watt, it doesn't take long before the conversation veers to San Pedro.  It can be about the geography, the history, the people who live and work there.  Besides knowing all that real well, he puts it all into context, gives it meaning, and then you get to it.  He loves his adopted hometown.  He cares about the past and, I guess, he wants people to know, to keep it in their hearts too.
I can't say if that's why he takes these photos.  Most of the time you're not looking at San Pedro, you are San Pedro, looking out at the horizons.  Certain times of day when the ports and all the supporting  industries make a mark on the light.  That's when the photographer takes a picture.  Other times you're looking at pelicans, it's quiet residents.  Mike tells me "they got no call".  That's all I'm going to say.

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